The three P’s – Paris, Packages and Pesto

A short post today, as it’s been a busy week!

I was in the lucky half of the team who spent most of the week in Paris (although, as I left the house at 5am on Monday morning to start the journey, I’m not sure “lucky” was quite the word I used!).  This was my first OpenStack summit and I was overwhelmed by the size and vibrancy of the community.  The variety of sessions, discussions and demos was fantastic.  What was particularly great were the people we met – everyone we spoke to about Calico seemed receptive to what we’re trying to do and we left every meeting feeling very positive.  As well as general conversations about Calico, we also some good discussions about the upstreaming work I mentioned last time, too – hopefully we’ll be able to see our changes included in the Kilo release!

Those left behind kept themselves busy doing a lot more testing and, inevitably, some bug fixing on the Calico codebase.  As a result, today we’ve released new packages for Calico, which is now at version 0.6. The change logs can be seen here, but in summary this version fixes several bugs which had crept in as part of our architectural changes last month.

So, having done Paris and Packages, that just leaves the third P from the blog title.  While the summit in Paris was great, I suspect the thing I will remember the most was the fantastic sauce (which, while a secret recipe, tasted like it had a good sprinkling of Pesto in it, to me) on the steaks in Le Relais de Venise.  This restaurant was right next to the summit conference centre and was well worth a visit (assuming you’re not a vegetarian).

No menu, just one question – “how do you want your steak cooked?”  Highly recommended!

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