Why Choose Calico?

Calico powers over 8M Kubernetes nodes across 166 countries, and all of the major Kubernetes platform vendors and managed Kubernetes services providers use it for their own Kubernetes environments

About Tigera

Tigera provides secure networking and comprehensive protection for containers and Kubernetes. Calico Cloud is the industry’s only container security platform with built-in network security to prevent, detect, and mitigate security breaches. Calico Enterprise provides high-availability networking and simplified network security for cloud-native applications.

Tigera is the creator and maintainer of Calico Open Source, the most widely adopted container networking and security solution. The company’s software powers more than 100M containers across 8M+ nodes in 166 countries, and is supported across all major cloud providers and Kubernetes distributions.

Active security for containers & Kubernetes

Tigera’s active, zero-trust based security for containers and Kubernetes enables you to prevent, detect, and mitigate threats. We focus on threat prevention by reducing the attack surface, then layer on threat detection and threat mitigation capabilities.

Reduce attack surface with zero trust

  • Zero-trust workload access
  • Identity-aware microsegmentation for workloads
  • Universal firewall integration
  • Envoy-based
    application-level security

Detect known and unknown threats

  • Protect workloads from container and network based threats
  • Workload-based WAF, IDS/IPS with deep packet inspection
  • ML-based zero-day workload threat identification
  • Protection from vulnerabilities and malware

Automatic risk mitigation

  • Dynamic Service and Threat Graph
  • Security policy recommender
  • Admission Controller
  • Alert, pause, quarantine, terminate compromised workloads

Security and observability as code

Cloud-native applications deployed in Kubernetes have ephemeral components with dynamic IPs that are distributed across multiple clusters, clouds, and hybrid environments. This makes it impossible to secure and troubleshoot these applications using traditional approaches. We solve this by enabling DevOps teams to specify security and observability as code (SOaC). SOaC is the configuration of security and observability at deployment time employing Kubernetes primitives and declarative models, using the same versioning that DevOps teams use for source code. Following the principle that the same source code generates the same binary, a SOaC approach ensures that any Kubernetes component generated with the code has the exact same security and observability confirmation regardless of the deployment model, type of distribution, or container type.


Kubernetes-native architecture for security and observability

We are Kubernetes-native and offer rich security and observability functionality by deeply integrating with Kubernetes’s core. We provide this functionality in Kubernetes clusters by adding new custom APIs and controllers, as well as providing infrastructure plugins for the core components of networking, storage, and container runtime. Being Kubernetes-native, we work with the Kubernetes command line interface (kubectl), which can be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes features such as role-based access control (RBAC), service accounts, audit logs, etc.

Calico offers a number of additional custom resource definitions (CRDs) that extend Kubernetes APIs. Examples include GlobalNetworkPolicy, GlobalThreatFeed, GlobalAlerts, PacketCapture, StagedNetworkPolicy, and HostEndpoint.

Since Calico is Kubernetes-native, all of its security and observability features can be accessed via Kubernetes API server, making it possible to programmatically configure functionality.

Being Kubernetes-native means that the same functionality will work across multiple clusters, distributions, and deployment models.

Commitment to open source

We are committed to developing, cultivating and supporting open source projects and communities.

Project Calico: We are the creator and maintainer of Project Calico, which delivers open source Calico, the most widely adopted solution for container networking and security, powering 8M+ nodes daily across 166 countries.

eBPF, Envoy, and WireGuard: We actively use and promote popular open-source projects like eBPF, Envoy, and WireGuard. Calico provides a pluggable data-plane architecture enabling support for multiple data planes, including standard Linux, eBPF, and Windows. Calico also integrates with Envoy to provide observability functionality, and uses WireGuard to encrypt all in-cluster communications.


Loved by the community

The global Calico community is large and growing. We deliver more than 100 free technical training sessions annually to thousands of community members. We also offer free, self-paced Calico certification programs.

Trusted by companies all over the world

Tigera’s platform is used by leading companies, including Discover, Chipotle, NBCUniversal, HanseMerkur, Box, Siemens Healthineers, Playtech, Royal Bank of Canada, and Bell Canada.

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